Nazareth Convent High School, The Nilgiris
School details:
City: | The Nilgiris |
Nazareth Convent High School is a ISC education board syllabus, which is located in The Nilgiris city, Tamil Nadu state, more →
State: | Tamil Nadu | |
Country: | India |
Nazareth ICSE OOTY
These days we can find many paid reviews. But this is an honest review about the present scenario of the school. Nazareth icse is an average school. May be it has a reasonable fee structure. The boarding charges are comparatively cheaper than other schools in Ooty There are not much extra curricular/ co curricular activities. They give regular class test on a daily basis, so students will be forced to mug up. Even if the student understands or not, the teacher is least bothered. The students are expected to by heart all the question & answers and vomit in the answer sheet. Nothing more. Even if a student struggles in a subject, there is no effort from the teacher , not even to motivate the student. If ur daughter passes out and are nog competent enough to get anywhere, she wud get a job in Nazareth. So job assurance is there May be There is a general feeling that when u r a teacher or a principal , all parents are inferior to you and you can scream at them instead of politely declining any matter.. it was so strange to find the reaction of some teachers who even ignore the parents even when met face to face A teacher’s influence is so great that even when the student reaches heights he will acknowledge the teacher and also he will also be kind to the weak ones just as his teachers were to him Science maths arts doesn’t get u anywhere if u don’t have the basic empathy and softness to deal people and matters. Marks are not everything. All children are unique and they have different talents. Apart from strictreview pline on leave and punctuality, moulding personal hygiene, character, religious outlook is terribly lacking.