BES Bharathi Thirtha Vidyalayam English Medium Higher Secondary School, Palakkad
School details:
City: | Palakkad |
BES Bharathi Thirtha Vidyalayam English Medium Higher Secondary School is a CBSE education board syllabus, which is located in Palakkad city, Kerala state, more →
State: | Kerala | |
Country: | India |
Contact Address Details
Report Us WrongBES Bharathi Thirtha Vidyalayam English Medium Higher Secondary School , Palakkad, CBSE board School full address details with contact numbers (Landline, Mobile, Fax), email address and website details.
School Name: | BES Bharathi Thirtha Vidyalayam English Medium Higher Secondary School |
School Board: | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) |
Address: | Kallekkad, Palakkad District, Kerala - 678015 |
City: | Palakkad |
State: | Kerala |
Country: | India |
Phone No: | 0491-515450 |
Mobile No: | |
Email Id: | |
Website: |